Consultingwerk - WinKit


The Window Integration Toolkit

Since Release 10.2A of OpenEdge the ABL allows developers to use the Microsoft .NET framework and leverage the modern user interface technology and build application front ends that are competitive on today’s market. Unlike with any other modernization approach the WinKit does not require a major application rewrite or refactoring. The WinKit is designed to leverage your existing Progress application and existing developer skills – without limiting the capabilities of the new user interface technology.


WinKit Features

The WinKit simplifies and enhances the ability to use existing ABL GUI applications with .NET Controls and allows the implementation of a modern appearance and usability features on top of existing business logic and screen design. The toolkit contains customizable templates, a main menu optionally using a .NET MDI container and application windows using container elements like .NET Tabfolders or Dockable panes. Existing menu structures and toolbars are migrated to .NET menus, toolbars or the Ribbon known from Office 2010/2013/2016 or Windows 8 and Windows 10. The WinKit provides a large number of hooks and other customization options to enhance the modernization result.

A Powerful Grid to Replace the Progress Browse Widget

We provide you with a grid control that is designed to fully replace the Progress Browse widget. This control supports all relevant features of the Browse Widget and provides modern data presentation and navigation using images, group-by and in grid filters.

WinKit Workshop

The WinKit is delivered to customers in the form of an implementation workshop that should follow basic OpenEdge GUI for .NET training. In the implementation workshop we ensure the successful adoption of the WinKit in the customer’s application and identify the integration points between your application and framework and start the application migration and modernization. During the WinKit workshop your team will receive in depth insight into the tools. The WinKit workshop may also be used as an initial modernization assessment used to shed light on further application modernization options specific to your requirements.