When designing a BE if we have a child table that will be used in other BE's should we point the TT package to its own package?
For example, we have an Item Business Entity with the following tables:
- Item (parent)
- Upc
- VendorProduct
The Upc and VendorProduct are also used by other BE's. When I designed the BE after dropping the Upc on the design canvas I changed the temp table path as well as well as table package name from Osprey\Pos\Item to Osprey\Pos\Upc.
When I generate the BE all the classes / include files are generated where they should be but the ItemDatasetModel_Generated does not compile due to the UpcTableModel definition. Since it does not have the full package name it requires a USING for Osprey.Pos.Upc
Am I going about this incorrectly?