Business Entity error

Business Entity error

3 posts, 1 answered
  1. Chuck Bensinger
    Chuck Bensinger avatar
    6 posts
    23 Aug 2019
    10 Apr 2023
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    I've got an existing BE and I want to add a child table and the relation.  I can drag the child table onto the form but as soon as I try and create the relation I get errors about:

    "A renderer was not found for type Consultignwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.UI.Shapes.DataRelationConnector"

    Followed by a .NET exception:

    Craniniate.Diagramming.Forms.RenderException with a similar error as above.

    Now it's entirely possible I'm adding the relation incorrectly as I don't normally do much in the BE designer; but I have never seen this error before either.


    -Chuck Bensinger
  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    343 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    10 Apr 2023 in reply to Chuck Bensinger
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    Never seen that error - it would be interesting to understand what you did. If you're able to reproduce this, please log an SCLSUP ticket here:

    The correct way to draw a data relation is to have two (or more) tables on the design canvas and select the "Relation" tool from the Ribbon. Then click on the header area of the parent table and then drag (mouse button down) into the child table. 
  3. Chuck Bensinger
    Chuck Bensinger avatar
    6 posts
    23 Aug 2019
    10 Apr 2023 in reply to Mike Fechner
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    I can't seem to reproduce it now, though I did it about a dozen times before I opened the call and that including shutting down the SCL desktop and BE designer multiple times. 

    I was clicking on the key fields instead of the header area; but even if I try it now it works.  So thank you for your help it was appreciated.

3 posts, 1 answered