Centralized Session Authorisation
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Centralized Session Authorisation

2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Markus Grigoleit
    Markus Grigoleit avatar
    31 posts
    04 Jun 2019
    14 Dec 2023
    Link to this post
    Hey you guys,

    currently we are reorganizing all of our Products to have one centralized sessionmanager.
    This sessionmanager stores the usercontext and  makes it available via RestFull-API.

    What would be the SCL-Way to connect to such a service while keeping the  Consultingwerk.Framework.Session.SessionManager in our BusinessLogic?

  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    342 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    14 Dec 2023 in reply to Markus Grigoleit
    Link to this post
    Within a request, I would rely on the properties in the SessionManager class and the Context Dataset.

    I would suggest you store the context between requests in your own centralized sessionmanager. That is something you should be able to implement by implementing your own Consultingwerk.Framework.Server.IContextDatasetStore service.

    That service is responsible to storing the ContextDataset between requests. 
2 posts, 1 answered