Enhance reporting of error 11913 , record has been modified
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Enhance reporting of error 11913 , record has been modified

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
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    12 Oct 2018
    09 Jan 2019
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    We would like to provide extra information when a record has been modified by another user
    e.g. which user, when, ...

    I found that if I override LogCurrentRowModifiedIssue of the DataAccess I can throw my own Exception
    method protected override void LogCurrentRowModifiedIssue(phBeforeBuffer as handle):

            undo, throw new CceRecordModifiedByAnotherUserException().

        end method.

    1. Is this a good idea to implement it that way ?

    2. I'd like to keep the original error as inner exception but the error object is not passed as an argument. It is send to LogUnableToFindDbBufferIssue.
    Can you add this to LogCurrentRowModifiedIssue ?

  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    342 posts
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    09 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    Hi Carl,

    on 1) - probably yes (without trying this out)
    on 2) - that would require an enhancement request

  3. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
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    2) Ok, see SCL-2514
  4. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    10 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    Hi Carl,

    We're adding this parameter now. However ... the 11913 issue is an error which we are not throwing. We're adding this to the ERROR-STRING of the record. I assume you're intention is to THROW an error from here. 

    That should be o.k. - however it's changing our default behavior.

  5. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
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    Trying to move the logic to OnHandleCommitSysError .

    Does this seem correct ?

        method protected override void OnHandleCommitSysError(e as HandleCommitErrorEventArgs):

            define variable lUserInfo as character no-undo initial "unknown".
            if e:Handled then return.

            case e:Error:GetMessageNum (1):
                when 11913
                then do:
                    // todo, determine user info
                   e:BufferHandle:ERROR = true.
                   e:BufferHandle:DataSet:error = true.
                   e:Handled = true.
                   DatasetHelper:AddErrorString (e:BufferHandle, "&1 changed this record", lUserInfo).
            end case.

        end method.

  6. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    342 posts
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    10 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    Conceptionally yes. But lUserInfo is not assigned. 
6 posts, 0 answered