How to create dialogs for parameters
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How to create dialogs for parameters

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
    67 posts
    12 Oct 2018
    16 Jan 2019
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    We're looking for information / guidelines on how to create dialogs for parameters.

    The parameters range from a single value to a complex set of values possible containing collections (child tables?)

    The parameters are typically created on the client side and processed on the server side.

    The parameter can be passed to e.g. an invokable method or as extra context for savechanges

    How to store the parameters ?

    serializable object,  json object vs parameters as a BE on its own.
    I feel that a full BE is too heavy, but it would solve a lot of the binding and validation questions

    How to do parameter validation

    , client side and server side

    How to do .Net databinding

    of the parameter to the dialog screen.
  2. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
    67 posts
    12 Oct 2018
    16 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    One of the options we are considering would be a kind of light-weight BE.

    Difference with normal BE
    No data acess needed, only json
    BE object Is part of the common project instead of backend/frontend

  3. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    342 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    16 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    For simple prompts, look at the methods of the InputPromptHelper or for a bit more complicated ones.

    When Dialogs become more complex, I'd suggest to implement a regular .NET Dialog and handle data binding yourself. 

    Or course you can also use temp-tables and the SmartTempTableAdapter / SmartViewerControl / SmartDataBrowser to bind data in those dialogs as well. You can bind to temp-tables of a ProDataset and pass that as the input to a Business Task method or transfer the information from the temp-table into an object on the client side. 

    It all depended on the details of your requirements...
3 posts, 0 answered