How to determine designtime in a BusinessEntity
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How to determine designtime in a BusinessEntity

5 posts, 2 answered
  1. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
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    01 Mar 2021
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    For a UI component we can use a designtime property to determine we are designing the component.

    this-object:DesignTime = Progress.Util.EnumHelper:AreEqual(System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:UsageMode,
                System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode:Designtime) .

    Is there an equivalent check we could use to determine a BE is run from the BE designer e.g. to generate a viewer ?

    Consultingwerk.Framework.FrameworkSettings:BaseRegistryKey = "Software~\Consultingwerk Ltd.~\Business Entity Designer~\":U

    Seems to be a candidate
  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    01 Mar 2021 in reply to Carl Verbiest
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    There isn't a reliable way. But what would it be needed for? 

    A Business Entity should not be doing relevant stutt in the constructor - as that would be creating state and that conflicts with the concept of the Business Entity as a stateless service component.

    And the UI components should only call into the Business Entity for FetchDataset (empty dataset with schema).

    So what's the real problem? 
  3. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
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    Love your answer ;-)

    The real problem of course is in the word "should", as long as this does not state "MUST NOT" there will be code violating this.
    In this case it was getting license info that has an impact on the BE, pretty harmless but it is state
  4. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    You can always introduce your own static properties and assign them from the JSON startup file depending on the session tyle.
  5. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    01 Mar 2021 in reply to Mike Fechner
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    Well ....

    "The real problem of course is in the word "should", as long as this does not state "MUST NOT" there will be code violating this."

    You're the master of your team's coding guide line and enforcement 
5 posts, 2 answered