Ok, but with the application settings I'm using I was expecting to be able to log on using LISA._user users.
I ran create user, it gave no feedback so I guess there were no errors.
The logon dialog now show "Demo company"
Cannot log on using admin + password
I changed "applicationSettings" in Consultingwerk/Windows/Framework/Reference/startup_gui_fatclient.json to
"applicationSettings": "reference.applicationsettings",
and created reference.applicationsettings containing
"authenticationDb": "SmartDB",
"homePageUrl": "http://www.cce.be",
"frameworkLoader": "be.cce.SmartTools.SmartFramework.CceFrameworkLoader",
"defaultPartition": "default_local",
"maintainPasswordInSmartUser": "true",
"AppServerKeepAlivePeriod": "300"
result remains the same, can't logon with admin+password
also tried config below, error "Unable to login due to invalid user credentials!" remains
"homePageUrl": "http://www.cce.be",
"defaultPartition": "default_local",
"maintainPasswordInSmartUser": "true",
"AppServerKeepAlivePeriod": "300"