PDSOE - Config with both 32/64 bit
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PDSOE - Config with both 32/64 bit

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Roger Blanchard
    Roger Blanchard avatar
    413 posts
    29 Jun 2018
    11 Dec 2018
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    I have both 64-bit and 32-bit installed on my dev box as some of our modules still require 32-bit (POS modules). Today, I have the SCL setup in my 64-bit workspace. In my 32-bit workspace I have added propath entries to point to the 64-bit directories. Is this a recommended setup or should I have a SCL setup in my 32-bit workspace as well?

    The reason I ask is I periodically will get errors similar to what is below. I then compile my 32-bit project and all is good.

    !ENTRY com.openedge.pdt.ve 4 20001 2018-12-11 13:49:16.482
    !MESSAGE An internal error occurred
    !STACK 0
    java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: An exception occurred loading the design canvas: Class Osprey.CustomClasses.SmartComponents.OspreyMobileForm does not implement interface Consultingwerk.Forms.IBaseForm. (12884)
    Could not access element 'DesignTime' of class 'Consultingwerk.Forms.IBaseForm' using object of type 'Osprey.CustomClasses.SmartComponents.OspreyMobileForm'.  Either caller compilation is out of sync with class compilation or the class reference was made through an ABL interface but the element is implemented in .NET. (18510)
     at com.openedge.pdt.ve.editor.VisualDesignerFormLoader.run(VisualDesignerFormLoader.java:266)
     at com.openedge.pdt.ve.editor.VisualDesigner.loadDesignEditor(VisualDesigner.java:557)
     at com.openedge.pdt.ve.editor.VisualDesigner.doSafeLoadDesignEditor(VisualDesigner.java:527)
     at com.openedge.pdt.ve.editor.VisualDesigner.doLoad(VisualDesigner.java:511)
     at com.openedge.pdt.design.editor.AbstractDesignEditor.loadDesignEditor(AbstractDesignEditor.java:982)
     at com.openedge.pdt.design.editor.AbstractDesignEditor$ClientServiceListener$1.run(AbstractDesignEditor.java:227)
     at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
    Caused by: com.openedge.pdt.design.comm.ClientServiceException: An exception occurred loading the design canvas: Class Osprey.CustomClasses.SmartComponents.OspreyMobileForm does not implement interface Consultingwerk.Forms.IBaseForm. (12884)
    Could not access element 'DesignTime' of class 'Consultingwerk.Forms.IBaseForm' using object of type 'Osprey.CustomClasses.SmartComponents.OspreyMobileForm'.  Either caller compilation is out of sync with class compilation or the class reference was made through an ABL interface but the element is implemented in .NET. (18510)
  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    343 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    11 Dec 2018 in reply to Roger Blanchard
    Link to this post
    I don't think those issues are related to the mix of 32 bit and 64 bit in your environment. I have seen those issues, when the whole code base requires a recompilation. 
2 posts, 0 answered