Rest annotations and parameter classes
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Rest annotations and parameter classes

4 posts, 1 answered
  1. Chuck Bensinger
    Chuck Bensinger avatar
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    23 Aug 2019
    08 Apr 2021
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    When using a parameter class with a REST annotation is it possible to not make all of the properties in the parameter class required?  We use a parameter class with quite a few properties in conjunction with our ItemBusinessEntity, but only a couple of those properties need to be required for what we are doing.

  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    08 Apr 2021 in reply to Chuck Bensinger
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    Can you please describe the issue you are facing a bit more in detail? 

    I don't think we have any concept of mandatory properties in parameter objects. Are you referring to @RestMethod or @InvokeMethod parameters? 
  3. Chuck Bensinger
    Chuck Bensinger avatar
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    08 Apr 2021
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    We have the following:

    @RestMethod (address="/Item/~{UpcNum}~{PackNum}/GetItem", requestMethod="get", parameterClassName="Osprey.Pos.Item.ItemParameter", response="poItemParameter").

    METHOD PUBLIC VOID GetItem ( INPUT-OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE phDset, poItemParameter AS Osprey.Pos.Item.ItemParameter  ):

    We have several properties in the ItemParameter class, but in this case we are only using two values from it, UPCNum and PackNum.  

    When I load up Swagger and look at this GetItem, I see all of the properties from ItemParameters listed as (query) and marked as "* required".

    Swagger Screenshot
    Last modified on 08 Apr 2021 20:04 by Chuck Bensinger
  4. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    342 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    09 Apr 2021 in reply to Chuck Bensinger
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    That sounds like an issue in the SwaggerFile. 

    But the backend will accept calls with those properties missing. 
4 posts, 1 answered