Restricted Token from /SessionConetxt
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Restricted Token from /SessionConetxt

5 posts, 1 answered
  1. Sascha Zehringer
    Sascha Zehringer avatar
    9 posts
    28 Oct 2022
    31 Oct 2022
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    Dear Consultingwerk-Team,

    since we use many "SmartSecurityTokens" (over 900) and some users got assigned every token, they got a lot of "SmartSecurtiyAssignments". And since these are loaded via the "SessionContext"-REST in a character-string, we are getting errors from "Progress.Lang.SysError", because the Character extended the allowed byte size.

    Is there a way to either disable this functionality and load it from a different REST 
    or can we somehow change the datatype without other big changes
    or is there an other REST which would suit our requiremenst better?

    If nothing of these options are possible, i would code a "SessionContextWebHandler" by myself as a Handler in the "", but is there something i should be aware of?

    Thank you in advance. 

    Sascha Zehringer
  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    Do you actually need the restricted tokens in the session context on the client? Or are they used on the backend only?

    For the actual error, please log a support ticket (JIRA service desk) and include the complete error message and stack trace to investigate. 

    Regardless of the answer to the first question, we should not error.
  3. Sascha Zehringer
    Sascha Zehringer avatar
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    We do not need them in our frontend. We use them in the Backend only. There we just access the tabels.

    Okay, i'll do that.
  4. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
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    In that case, we should be able to first workaround the issue by makinh sure the list if not getting too long. 

    In a second steps, we'd make sure that we return a too long list of restricted tokens in a suitable form. 
  5. Sascha Zehringer
    Sascha Zehringer avatar
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    This Bug was solved in SCL-3848.
5 posts, 1 answered