Hi Roger, after the initialization of the SmartTempTableAdapter (e.g. calling RetrieveData) setting QuerySort will cause the Query to be ordered by the provided criteria.
I cannot follow why you needed to call the UpdateSortIndicator to get data sorted. We don't let the Grid sort at all - so the sort indicator is just an ... indicator for the user. As you can see on my video, when I click the buttons that update the QuerySort property the sort indicators on the grid are not updating - but the data is sorted.
I have played with adding the call to the UpdateSortIndicator to the SmartTempTableAdapter. This seems to work. So I may be having this added to a future release (this is not yet in the video).
Have you done anything to enforce that the grid is sorting?
By default we're doing this here in SmartDataBrowser to ensure the query in the Adapter is solely responsible for sorting.
THIS-OBJECT:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:ExternalSortMulti .