Why isn't the copy of a record a buffercopy but implemented in SmartViewerControl and SmartUpdatableBrowser
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Why isn't the copy of a record a buffercopy but implemented in SmartViewerControl and SmartUpdatableBrowser

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Bert Strobbe
    Bert Strobbe avatar
    19 posts
    25 Oct 2018
    21 Feb 2019
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    We have a question on how the copying of a record is now implemented.
    At the moment the StoreValuesForCopy and RestoreValuesForCopy are used.

    As not all fields in the temptable might be linked to a control, not all fields in the temp-table are copied. If we would want to also have the 'non visible' fields to be copied, we would need to do a buffer copy in the correct place (still to identiy where that is), with the possibility to exclude certain fields (for instance audit fields or the record id field).

    Is there a reason why the copying of a record isn't implemented this way?

    Another reason for this question for the question is that we want to have a single point of code for initialization of a record, no matter if we are creating or copying a record. But we would certainly need to have the copied fields already in place.

  2. Mike Fechner
    Mike Fechner avatar
    343 posts
    14 Sep 2016
    21 Feb 2019 in reply to Bert Strobbe
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    The whole update process is built around bound controls and such is the copy. IMHO a copy is the same as an Add and the user re-entering all the same values. You cannot make an user responsible for values he cannot influence. 

    But I'm sure you can implement a different behavior around StoreValuesForCopy and RestoreValuesForCopy.

    Our recommended approach for additional behavior during Copy however is to user the SmartCopiedFrom field and a Business Entity based implementation.

2 posts, 0 answered